Friday 5 October 2012

Government: Buy E -Toll tags. COSATU: NO don't buy E-Toll tags

The beggining of this week government called upon the South African motorists to purchase E-Toll tags but the COSATU insisted hat people should not bother buying E-TAG. Read More


The question that came to my mind was " is there lack of communication between government and COSATU?" surely there is lack of communication between the two  parties which lead to the creation of confusion in the minds of drivers that will be affected with E-Tolling. Majority of motorists expressed concern regarding the E-tolling system saying that it will cost a lot bu the government which proclaims to be the listening government did not even bother to listen its citizens.What does that tells us it simply implies that the government doesn't care.On the Public Relations perspective the organisation/ leaders who do not listen to there stockholder's concern such a leader / organisation does not last meaning that it will not make a good reputation therefore people find it hard to believe whatever that leader /organisation says their countries.

On the other hand it's believed that most of them profit that will be made out of E-toll will go to companies based abroad, well what worries me is that S.A will never develop if  fast as along as more investors leave with profits to

This is my  write my last academic blog for 2012 it was a great experience to interact with young growing Bloggers and Writers, Unfortunately I am not concluding my blog in a good note but criticising the SANRAL and S.A government for not listening to the S.A citizens.



Friday 28 September 2012

Truth vs Public Relations

In public relations values and facts are important. Together they integrate truth that will project a positive corporate image and reputation about your organisation.

At the end you have to choose wich road to take


Truth demands the combination of all relevant facts that will help clients understand better and unlock their confuse mind.If clients are left with facts that do not make any sense well it means that they will end up making their own assumptions that may cause a negative impression and reputation about the organisation thus it will mean the Public Relation Practioner of that organisation is incomplte and does not know how to provide  authentic facts.

Truth will set you free:
 In most crisis/ complicated situation where there are lot of negative media reports about the organisation that is where the Public Relations Practioners ought to remember that truth without ethics open the door to lies, negative corporate image/reputation, negative projection of an organisation by external and internal stakeholders.Beyond the facts there are values that need not to be  missed, that is why it is so important for experienced public relations professionals not only to deepen their training on the effective use of tools and methods, but also to take the time to reflect on their values and to form a strong ethical conscience that will result to  positive corporate image.


L Buthelezi

Friday 21 September 2012


Warning what I have posted my sound harsh and offensive to others  thus  I wish to voice my apologies in advance but am Releasing My Voice.

Let me just cut it straight to the point, I don't see any valid reason for those who called on a boycott against  Woollies.I clearly don't understand why some of White people want to boycott Woolworth.The fact is that majority of  General workers within the Retail industry are Blacks, Indians and Coloured, you can go to any major retail supermarkets you will find few White people in South Africa the question we should ask ourselves is why Retail Companies do not hire lot of Whites people as general workers but they prefer Africans.Those who are complaining they making it a big issue whereas it shoul'nt be.

The Woolworth's logo which was designed by the media.

  According to my opinion I totally think it's a disgrace and an offence to the African race that when retailers want to hire general people they will prefer Africans and ignore white people. I assume that  probably  they might be avoiding something that will cost their companies a lot when they hire white people.But other than that clearly there is still  a confusion pertaining EE (Employment Equity) and AA( Affirmative Action) Acts which ought to be adhered by various organisation when hiring.Therefore it brings a  huge challenge to the Department of Labour to provide a clear meaning of how these acts should be applied and where and when they must  be utilised. The Department of Labour should reinforce on doing the following:

1 They need to re check the definition of EE and AA,where they see mistakes they  must be rectified.
2 The also need to straighten their Education Campaign pertaining the two mentioned  Acts to give more clarity.

By so doing it will help to eliminate unnecessary confusion and social media agruments that may occur in the future.


L Buthelezi

Friday 14 September 2012

Are the political and government leaders fully equipped with skills to address the public and respond to the medias questions?

When you are a government leader who is always in the public eye you are expected to address the media and  the people you are serving with respect.


President of the Republic if South Africa Mr Jacob Zuma during his speech at the Parliament.

DA's Parliamentary Leader Madam Lindiwe Mazibuko
I was listening President of South Africa Mr Jacob Zuma responding to the questions of the members of the parliament. What got me astonished was when Mr J.Zuma called the DA Parliamentary leader a “Girl” instead of honourable member of the parliament. I assume the question that Madam Lindiwe Mazibuko posed to the president of the country provoked him, but that does not mean the president should forget to follow the parliamentary policy when responding to the members.
The embarrassing habit that most of the politicians like Mr Julius Malema tend to do when talking to the media is to respond in a disrespectfully  aggressive manner, forgetting that what ever they say will be published and broadcasted to the citizens of the country.
From the communication perspective public and government leaders ought to be careful with what they say to the media because at the end the that message will be out to the public trough media then the message creates a certain perception about that particular leader. On the other hand prominent political leader are also perceived/taken as role models by the public particularly the youth therefore it brings a challenge to such leaders to be very cautious when they deliver speeches and respond to the media's questions . In addition it's also  an inevitable challenge for communication practitioners of our leaders to give  offer an advance media training to them.



Friday 24 August 2012

How is the South Africas image around the world after the Lonmin Maasacre?

Now the whole world knows that South African Police Service killed approximately 40 miners during Lonmin illegal strike, so what does that precisely mean for S.A’s image.

From my observation the image of SA is in a deep crisis full of mud that needs to be ripped away. The investors are now becoming afraid to continue investing money to the mining industry of South Africa which has precious resources because of the image portrayed by the media, Lonmin  Massacre made international media project SA as a country which has turned violent  that SA has now became violent of which is not  true. Thus the  question that arises how does South African government ensures that South Africa restores back its reputable image of being the democratic peaceful country in Africa?

South Africa's flag with drops of blood falling down

 Lonmin and SA governments co-operation
 The South African government together with the Lonmin I reckon that they must do a campaign that will entail crisis advertising which will aid Lonmin to re-establish goodwill and re-brands itself. The campaign should also restores hope to the international investors. At the end the campaign should ensure the foreign investors that SA is still the safest country with precious mineral resources to invest in.
On the other hand the Lonmin must do a corporate advertising focuses on the reputation of the company. Furthermore they should  also inform their clients on  how are they going to manage the  similar situation next time if it occurs. Like it or not the government cannot just sit down while the image of the country.Lonmine should also analyse the outcome and Media coverage both positive / negative. Lastly the also need to revise their crisis communication plan to reflect what they have learned. 

In addition the mine should now make sure that it enhances its Employee communication/internal communication. The importance of employee communication is :
· Employee want information about the company they crave communication from their management they want to know what plans the company has for the workers.

        ·   Employee Communication is the key to addressing new business challenges because employees are more confident that they can help move the business forward.

    ·   Employee communication can be vital to maintaining customer experience and  employees convey the brand image of the company thus if employees are not pleased with their working conditions the image of the company loses its value.



Friday 17 August 2012

Is it communication failure that led to the Lonmin Massacre

South African police opened fire on striking miners armed with machetes and sticks at Lonmin's Marikana platinum mine on Thursday. ( Reuters news headline)

It's unfortunately disturbing to read the above Reuters News headline about our lovely South Africa that made international headline news on Reuters, BBC and Sky news, because the image that the world-  investors portray at the end about South Africa is not good after all.When I saw a footage of Police shooting Lonmin workers yesterday on  19h00 E-News,I was dismayed and remained with lot of questions of what exactly went wrong where did the communication failure occurred,did the communication practitioners of the responsible parties manage to communicate with their members accordingly or they just failed to ease the crisis that occurred in Lonmin, unfortunately we cannot undo what has happened.

SAPS member shooting live ammunisation to the mine workers.
As Pubic Relations Practitioners it's part of our duty to ensure that workers are satisfied and comfortable with the working conditions  and benefit they get from our organisations because at the end they are the ones that make am organisation succeed and meet the targets, goals an vision/mission because with no doubt it's highly difficult to succeed alone without extra hands and make the organisation operate effectively.According to my views the Communication department and the Management of Lonmin failed to honour the workers demands of getting decent better salaries thus it led to the loose of lives.How can mine workers of the world's largest platinum producer still earn less that R5000.00 ? another question that arises is that is the  management only thinking of themselves careless towards meeting the workers ?, demands if so then what is the communication department of Lonmin doing or has done to make sure that workers have high spirit of working hard and make the Lonmin succeed.I still maintain my opinion that this crisis (Lonmin Massacre) could have been long time prevented if Lonmin Management acted early before unions and its worked embarked on a violent strike that caused +/- 35 lives of the mine workers.

                      Lonmin Massacre Video

One of the Lonmin values is To enhance the quality of life for our employees and their families and promote self esteem, then if so the question is if they really want to enhance their employees life and their families how can mine workers improve their lives while still earning less than R5000.00 ? This should be a lesson to other organisations that they must listen the demands and the need of the people who are working hard, who are getting the job done and who are making an organisation succeed, thus as Public Relation Practitioners this are the essential things that we ought to do to ensure that an organisation operate well :
  •  we need to evaluate workers demands and needs.
  • We must  maintain communication with employees pertaining workers issues
  • We need to  find out what workers would like to see happening within the organisation
  • the most essential thing is that we should not promise what the company would not offer.
  •  We must have a consistent relationship with the workers Unions and start wages negotiations at the earlier stage to prevent unnecessary striking that may lead to loose of lives.
  • Lastly the management should not forget that workers are the ones that get the job done,workers are the ones that satisfy clients therefore they also need to be satisfied and rewarded.


L Buthelezi

Thursday 9 August 2012

Can somebody please rescue the sinking Department of Basic Education

                      More voices want the Minister of Education to be fired.

 There has been lot of bad publicity surrounding the Department of Basic Education under the administration of Minister Angie Motshekga. Several organisations including the ANC Youth league have come forward expressing their anger that Angie Motshekga should be released from her duties.
Hence Education is part our countries top 5 priorities that means government should be very serious about it.According to me President Jacob Zuma is letting us (the nation) down by not releasing the Minister of Education from her duties when it's clear that she is not unfit to handle her post because it's believed that she is canvassing for Zuma's Second Term in Mangaung, this is where the president  needs to be a loyal leader by isolating  personal issues from the duties. On the other hand the Spokesperson of the Department of  Basic Education Mr Panyaza Lesufi is busy spin doctoring the Minister when the image Department of Basic Education continues to sink at the end Limpopo learners will fail.
I say that as a nation we need a new broom (Minister) to sweep away and clean Angie Motshekga's mistakes because we can't rely on the same person to head the Department of Basic Education even next year .How can the  learners be motivated to study hard when the same government that is encouraging people to study fails to provide sufficient learning resources? How can the educators accomplished their work when they do not have enough resources to better the Grade 12's annual results?
Surely indeed we truly need a new broom to with fresh innovative ideas that will erase the current bad image and publicity of hanging around the sinking Department of Basic Education.

(Truck delivering boxes of books: )

During the702 Radio Talk interview on Redi Thlabi show  President Jacob Zuma blamed Verwoerd regarding the current education system of South Africa . Yes apartheid did harm South Africa but we can't keep on blaming it,the government needs top stop wasting money on luxury cars and unnecessary expenditure and focus on building the country. Bad public is not good at all for any organisation that serves the nation.


L Buthelezi

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Pay Fast together with Vendor shops adapts to the Social Media Environment through Facebook.

With no doubt the majority of Social media users use these social media platforms to chat, view photos and network, forgetting that  social media platforms can do a lot for them.

Pay Fast and  Vendor shops have  became the first South African company to announce the integrating of their services paving way for the Face book commerce (f commerce) in South Africa South Africans can now:
*set up a virtual shopping cart on their Face book Page.
*run offer.
*deal interact with fans.
*processed in rand.
*accepts a variety of payments which gets paid into their South African bank accounts.

Wow that sounds fascinating indeed I believe. I am sure that people will begin thinking twice on how they can better use their Facebook account.

(Fcommerce image :
In a Communication perspective it's very vital for any organisation to maintain a relationships and continue building more fruit full relationships through different platforms, so that the organisation can be in contact with customers in a way that clients stay informed with regards of the latest organisation news . On the other side social media is really continuing to become a major financial boost tool for various companies to market their service through these social media channels therefore the integration of Pay Fast and Vendorshop will challenge other to better their communication tools.With the integration of VendorShop and PayFast, the buyer can complete the shopping experience without having to leave Facebook, thereby simplifying the process and resulting in more sales for the merchant. Setting up a VendorShop shopping cart and registering with PayFast is free of charge.

Mr Jonathan Smith MD of Pay Fast says that their integration with Vendorshops will reaffirm their commitment to growth, innovation and continuously looking for exciting new avenues of on line retail for South African sellers. This is the first for South Africans  where the entire transaction happens on Facebook and is done is in South Africa rand.(

About Pay Fast
PayFast is a payments processing service for South Africans and South African websites. They enable easy, secure and instant transfer of money between on line buyers and sellers.
They allow sellers to accept payments from buyers in a variety of ways. They process credit cards (Visa and MasterCard), Instant EFT (bank transfers to any of SA's four biggest banks that get instantly verified), mimoney and Ukash.(

About Vendorshop
VendorShop is a leading f Commerce shopping cart application based in Dublin, Ireland, which has received over 4 million rand in funding in 2012. They are used by retailers in more than 15 countries and power the Facebook marketing activities for thousands of businesses and hundreds of thousands of fans. For more information see their.


Lucky Buthelezi.


Thursday 3 May 2012


From left: MD of Provantage Media Mr Jacquese du Preeze and  Group Chief Commercial of ACSA  Mr Harron Jeena.
Any organisation has a goal of having a long continuous positive and lasting relationship with respective stakeholders that will contribute in its success which involves maintaining current and acquiring  new clients/stakeholders. I really want to  applaud what is done by a young vibrant growing organisation called Provantage Media. Provantage Media  extended its wings by  partnering with  Airport Company of South Africa (ACSA) in rolling out a fully fledged  digital Televison network in nine airport across South Africa following international trends in the out of home advertising industry, hence the technology keeps on developing which  requruires organisation to adjust to such changes.
Provantage Media is the fastest growing out of media business in South Africa .Out Of Home (OOH) focused on marketing to consumers when they are in public places, transit,waiting and on specific commercial location.The partnership  between Provantage Media and ACSA through Airport T.V will provide advertisers with access to reach audiences, which in todays fragmented media is becoming very sought after (much in demand).According to Jacquse du Preeze MD of Provantage Media each commercial will run for 10 to 30 seconds and variety of advertising packages will ensure that brands will reach maximum reach.

According to my view this partnership will also boost the two's financial status hence I believe that  famous brands will be so keen to advertise their brands to departures and foreign visitors in all nine South African airports, this means that the more they advertise the more ACSA and Provantage Media get money.I hope this partnership will encourage other young growing PR and Communication firms to establish new relationships with major organisations in order to improve their portfolio and nourishing relationships with their clients.



Friday 27 April 2012

A PRP got suspended for posting on her personal Twitter page

What a disgrace done by the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU), Spokesperson who was suspended for a post on a union's Facebook and Tweets to COSATU's General Secretary Mr Zwelinzima Vavi.On Saturday, Rea Molopyane the SATAWU Spokesperson  using her personal  Twitter account, tweeted to Vavi who addressed the meeting: "Please don't leave before we discuss Passenger Rail Agency of SA (PRASA) issues of the union.Satawu will sink as you see it".
In thew Facebook post that led to her suspension Molapyane wrote that the suspension of the Union's Gauteng Provincial Secretary Chris Nkosi had been lifted with immediate effect.She also posted that the issues of the rumoured plan to remove SATAWU president Ephraim Mphahlele were not discussed at the CEC meeting nor was the submission made by Gauteng to charge Maziya.Apparently Mphahlele recently made headlines when he publicly released a dossier alleging corruption at Prasa by its boss, Lucky Montana.

Her Tweet angered SATAWU's bosses, who then decided to suspend her. In my view this is a disgrace particularly in PR and  Communication field, now its like we as PRP's are not taught not to talk/ reveal our organisation's controversial and confidential issues.I hope these will be a lesson to other up coming PRP's not to use their personal  Social Media Platforms to discuss confidential issues regarding their organisations, let  us utilise social media platforms in a way that will generate  good positive result for our organisations.


Lucky Buthelezi

Thursday 19 April 2012


ADT's Logo

Safety is the need that is required mostly by the anyone world wide,where-ever you are and there is a presence of the safety and security officials be it  the SAPS or Private Security companies, with no doubt you will feel relaxed, comfortable and stress less about any crime activity that might occur around you during that moment.After the article that was reported by the Star newspaper regarding armed men wearing ADT's security guards uniforms and using ADT's  branded vehicle who broke in a diamond company call AA Diamonds in Berdfordview and stole R23 million worth of precious stones.

 The Star article brought ADT under a bad publicity, not only ADT including other private security companies were also affected by these publicity because now it's difficult to  trust any ADT or private armed security vehicle that passes by your house because you may ask yourself whether are they still doing their patrolling duty or they are planning to rob/break into your house.According to the Star newspaper other jewellery stores have come out citing similar attacks.
Two robbers the second of the three doors to the diamond store.

Indeed according to my view it's going to be hard for the ADT to get back their client's trust particularly those who are dealing with gold and diamonds trading.Once the organisation experience bad publicity, the public start to think twice about that organisation and the final outcome will not be fruit full for that organisation unless they act immediate in fixing/ correcting the mess that has already been made.
ADT must now really work hard to achieve one of the 7C's of communication which is Credibility within their prominent clients and remind its employees the company's goals, values and  missions.



Friday 13 April 2012


It's quiet fascinating to  hear that Social Media users are utilizing them in a good way instead of what is done by most of celebrities the likes of  Nonhle Thema (the former Channel O presenter) and Kim Kardishian (American Socialite and TV Personality) who are using Twitter to bad-mouth other celebrities.Twitter saved a Joburg man who was trapped in his car boot after being hijacked over the weekend

The man was driving through Honeydew at about 9pm on Saturday when two armed men hijacked his Golf 3. They forced him into the into the boot of the car and sped off.But Hijackers forgot one thing his cellphone inside the boot.The man sent an sms to his girlfriend alerting her that he has been hijacked he needs help.Then  minutes later Tanisha Reddy a friend of his girlfriend sent the message to the cyber police basher and the famous road block exposer PigSpotter, the message was tweeted as follows "Please RT @PigSpotter my friend was just hijacked and is in the boot of his car, Honeydew area reg no thDSS041GP Golf 3 maroon in colour."
The cry for help was re tweeted again and again by PigSpotter's more than 109 000 followers - including members of the private security industry. They immediately began rallying their resources. At around 11:08 the man was found in his car in Ventersburg 250 km South of Honeydew.

These outcome clearly shows that the POWER OF SOCIAL NETWORK can do more besides just chatting and advertising business. Lets keep on using Social Media to help people instead of swearing them.



Friday 6 April 2012


Recently it has emerged that that the union that is against the Gauteng E-tolling secretly benefited from the construction of the high way road e-tolling. South Africans were shocked to discover  astonishing news from Sunday Times. cosatu-benefits-from-gauteng-toll-report.

Kopano Kematla Investment was established in 1996 by Kopano Ke Matle Trust whose sole beneficiary is Congress of South African Trade Union COSATU.
Kopano kematla holds 3% of Ruabex, so it would have received R 24 millions .This would mean that COSATU which had been vehemently against the toll road, stood to benefit from them. It's suprising to hear that COSATU's General Secretary Mr Zwelinzima Vavi saying that they were not aware of Kopano Kematla's involvement in E-tolling. The question that arise is that as a MAJOR BENEFICIARY of the big investment company who is also trusted by the people  how can you be not aware of major activities that are being practiced day to day.
Without any doubt COSATU has created lot of confusions and doubtfulness amongst its members whether they should carry on trusting COSATU or not.
The task that the Congress of South African Trade Union (COSATU) must do now is to implement strategies that will erase confusions and uncertainty within its members so that their image can be respected like before.These are the ways that can assist COSATU in winning back the trust of their members
1 COSATU must conduct an internal investigation regarding the involvement Kopano Kematla in E-tolling.

2 After the investigation they must inform the public about the results and actions that will be taken against those who are found guilty.

3 Lastly COSATU must clarify about their current position regarding E-Tolling, are they still opposing it or not.


Lucky Buthelezi

Friday 30 March 2012


The Mail & Guardian today (Friday 30/03/2012) published an article regarding the allegations against crime Intelligence boss Lieutenant General Richard Mdluli,The investigation done by the Mail & Guardian which led to the discovering of sensitive report could have led the Editor and the Journalist who did the investigation to face 5 to 25 years jail imprisonment if the so called "Protection of Information was already functioning.
If government wants to combat against corruption why are they busy trying to push the implementation of this bill ( Protection of Information Bill )or they further want to hide sensitive information about corruption?

Protection of Information Bill  aims to regulate the classification, protection and dissemination of the state information, thus those who are found in possession of classified information will  face a 5 to 25 years jail imprisonment.Therefore this bill will restrict journalist to hold government accountable of  hidden corruption. My take with regards to this issue is that all the stakeholders including the government must find another better way of dealing with unlawful disclosure of information and stop corruption and lastly LEAVE ALONE journalist to do their job.


Thursday 22 March 2012


With  no doubt the the image of Cricket South Africa is in a deep MUD and (CSA) has lost its reputattion amongst cricket supportters over bonus scandal because of few "prominent" individulas CSA senior members namely Mr A.K Khan, Mr John Blair and the controversial Mr Gerald Majola.

The country’s cricket head(Gerald Majola)  has been fighting for survival since it was revealed in August 2010 that he and about 40 other employees received millions of rands in unauthorised bonuses for hosting the Indian Premier League (IPL) tournament and the Champions’ Trophy in 2009.
Judge Chris Nicholson found there was “overwhelming evidence” that Majola had contravened the Companies Act. He recommended that he not only be suspended for 180 days and appear before a disciplinary committee, but that the National Prosecuting Authority should also look into the possibility of criminal charges against him.

The  challenge that is facing the CSA Public Relations department is to bring back the lost reputable image of the association,the question is how are they going to persuade cricket lovers to trust them again.The former CSA president Dr Mthuthuzeli Nyoka is believed that he was requested to vacate his position becuase he exposed the wrongdoings of the CSA members within the association.

The question that arises to my mind is  that as Public Relations Practioners do we have power to protect those who are anti-corruption whistle blowers for the sake of protecting the organization's image.If so why did Dr majola was fired then or problably our powers as PRP's are limited by "Senior members"?

Friday 16 March 2012


On Monday March 2012  the Star newspaper reported that the Deputy President of South Africa Mr Kgalema Mothlanthe has requested the Public Protector Advocate Thuli Madonsela to do an investigation following the Sunday  media report regarding his partner Gugu Mtshali being allegedly linked  to buy government appproval for a plan to sell helicopters in Iran. Apart from the allegations about his partner I would like to congratulate Mr Kgalema Mothlanthe and his Communication team for quickly responding to these allegation by requesting the Public Protector to do a probe.Their immediate action showed that his communication team knows much about the importancy of image and brand protection.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Where are the Labour Brokers representatives?


On the 07th March 2012, the Congress of South African Union (COSATU) had a march around South Africa's major cities.The march was about the controversial E-tolling System and "Labour Brokers".Judging  from the turn out of the marchers it's clear that South African citizens wants Labour Brokers to be dealt away with.
According to the  survey conducted by Topline Research Solutions using client databases provided by the Confederation of Associations in the Private Employment Sector (CAPES). Topline conducted surveys of 110 labour brokers, representing 268,777 labour broker workers or 29.8% of the industry total.85 % of  labour brokers are privately owned, with 61%/39% split between males and females.
The question Am asking myself is that the organization that is representing labour brokers what is it that  is doing to clear the bad perception and image that South african citizens have about them , is their PR department doing enough regarding Brand awareness about labour brokers?.