Friday 28 September 2012

Truth vs Public Relations

In public relations values and facts are important. Together they integrate truth that will project a positive corporate image and reputation about your organisation.

At the end you have to choose wich road to take


Truth demands the combination of all relevant facts that will help clients understand better and unlock their confuse mind.If clients are left with facts that do not make any sense well it means that they will end up making their own assumptions that may cause a negative impression and reputation about the organisation thus it will mean the Public Relation Practioner of that organisation is incomplte and does not know how to provide  authentic facts.

Truth will set you free:
 In most crisis/ complicated situation where there are lot of negative media reports about the organisation that is where the Public Relations Practioners ought to remember that truth without ethics open the door to lies, negative corporate image/reputation, negative projection of an organisation by external and internal stakeholders.Beyond the facts there are values that need not to be  missed, that is why it is so important for experienced public relations professionals not only to deepen their training on the effective use of tools and methods, but also to take the time to reflect on their values and to form a strong ethical conscience that will result to  positive corporate image.


L Buthelezi


  1. the truth is the way to go,this will help the organisation to be perceived as an organisation that is ethical.

    1. and also the organisation that is transparent and reliable

  2. It does not matter how bad the situation is,but we better tell the truth so that we do not make matters ven worser,"the truth will set you free" they always say

  3. Well said Lucky, truth is an ethical element which we should all strive to excel at. Especially as potential PRPs.

    1. And also the truth will make an organisation looks transparent to its clients and reliable.

  4. Sometimes lying is best option in some situations but in this case truth be told because after all it is our organisations and we as PRP's have to perceive the right image.

    1. But the bad thing with lies is that they haunt you back if you dont know how to manage them.

  5. and we should not forget that lies wil haunt the organisation back beacuse people and media never forget what you say.
