Friday 17 August 2012

Is it communication failure that led to the Lonmin Massacre

South African police opened fire on striking miners armed with machetes and sticks at Lonmin's Marikana platinum mine on Thursday. ( Reuters news headline)

It's unfortunately disturbing to read the above Reuters News headline about our lovely South Africa that made international headline news on Reuters, BBC and Sky news, because the image that the world-  investors portray at the end about South Africa is not good after all.When I saw a footage of Police shooting Lonmin workers yesterday on  19h00 E-News,I was dismayed and remained with lot of questions of what exactly went wrong where did the communication failure occurred,did the communication practitioners of the responsible parties manage to communicate with their members accordingly or they just failed to ease the crisis that occurred in Lonmin, unfortunately we cannot undo what has happened.

SAPS member shooting live ammunisation to the mine workers.
As Pubic Relations Practitioners it's part of our duty to ensure that workers are satisfied and comfortable with the working conditions  and benefit they get from our organisations because at the end they are the ones that make am organisation succeed and meet the targets, goals an vision/mission because with no doubt it's highly difficult to succeed alone without extra hands and make the organisation operate effectively.According to my views the Communication department and the Management of Lonmin failed to honour the workers demands of getting decent better salaries thus it led to the loose of lives.How can mine workers of the world's largest platinum producer still earn less that R5000.00 ? another question that arises is that is the  management only thinking of themselves careless towards meeting the workers ?, demands if so then what is the communication department of Lonmin doing or has done to make sure that workers have high spirit of working hard and make the Lonmin succeed.I still maintain my opinion that this crisis (Lonmin Massacre) could have been long time prevented if Lonmin Management acted early before unions and its worked embarked on a violent strike that caused +/- 35 lives of the mine workers.

                      Lonmin Massacre Video

One of the Lonmin values is To enhance the quality of life for our employees and their families and promote self esteem, then if so the question is if they really want to enhance their employees life and their families how can mine workers improve their lives while still earning less than R5000.00 ? This should be a lesson to other organisations that they must listen the demands and the need of the people who are working hard, who are getting the job done and who are making an organisation succeed, thus as Public Relation Practitioners this are the essential things that we ought to do to ensure that an organisation operate well :
  •  we need to evaluate workers demands and needs.
  • We must  maintain communication with employees pertaining workers issues
  • We need to  find out what workers would like to see happening within the organisation
  • the most essential thing is that we should not promise what the company would not offer.
  •  We must have a consistent relationship with the workers Unions and start wages negotiations at the earlier stage to prevent unnecessary striking that may lead to loose of lives.
  • Lastly the management should not forget that workers are the ones that get the job done,workers are the ones that satisfy clients therefore they also need to be satisfied and rewarded.


L Buthelezi


  1. I think it was wrong for the policemen to open fire like that on the mine workers. They could have at least given them warnings first and as for the communication aspect, it seems like there was no communication at all or none of this would have occured.

  2. i do not blame the police for what they did for me thos people brought that to themselves they are the ones that started killing people they even killed two cops nad injured one if i am not wrong so if the police life is in danger what should they do sitback and let more policeman loose their lif, yes those who were killed they are breadwinners same goes to the policeman that were killed and those who would have beeen killed if they would have not opend fire

    1. police are better trained to handle unbearable situations in a mutual way that wont cost someone else's live.

  3. communication between the police and the mine workers was not clear i think,the police claim they were defending themselves but when you watch the video it tells another story.guess we will never know what really happend because we were not there.

    1. I am also hoping that the inquiry commission instituted by the president wont be bias but transparent and objective

  4. the cops started to open the fire... because something pushed them to, we nne to rember that this people are trained and they did that because they had to

    1. Am sure that there were other means of handling the situations better except killing people they could've used a helicopter to chase away the crowd with teargas

  5. It was failure to pay the workers decent salaries that led to the Lonmin massacre. It is time the mines paid people what they deserve.

    1. I agree with you miners risks their lives underground thus they deserve better living conditions and wages.

  6. Its sad that people still have to opt for striking and end up loosing their lives just because they not getting enough wages. Instead of people sitting down and communicating to solve whatever issue they have on hand.

    1. What i have noticed is that here in SA in order for to be taken seriously you must be aggressive in a way that will grab government's attention that is why we have lot of service delivery strikes because of lack of communication between the provincial government, local municipality and local people

  7. What I know is that we South African's love striking but then we never think of the consequences of our actions and when something like this happens we blame the police? They were behaving violently, that's why the police opened fire. Now its quite a tragedy that so many people lost their lives but then what happened happened and I hope that next time people think of striking they realise what they are getting themselves into.

    1. People strike when they are not given attention early if they can be listened there wont be striking

  8. having people die and no one to take responsibility is asolutely unfair for the miners

    1. the good thing I suppose is the establishment on the inquiry commission we just have to wait for the outcome.

  9. strikes will never solve matter but make them worse.i think as South African citizen we should avoid using strikes as a tool to solve problems.

  10. the good thing I suppose is the establishment on the inquiry commission we just have to wait for the outcome.

  11. Former police general Bheki Cele introduced his on way of curbing such incidents in the country "shoot to kill". we cannot thus far blame the police the problem here lies exactly on how this country is governed. At the end of the day the police are just doing their job.

  12. I think what those police did was totally out of control, and they shouldn't have taken the law to their own hand. The this that they call "Shoot to Kill" doesn't work for me, but thanks to Bheki Cele who came with the stategy

    1. What has happened is just sad. It has brought shame to our country.

  13. eix it is very sad and hard to accept how some of the affected family members lost their family bread winners

  14. I say that it was communication failure.

  15. Around the world we are a laughing stock. Why does every employee in South Africa resolve to strike if they want to be heard? That is the sad part about our country. They are sending out the wrong message and the fact that we are not united. This image that has been portrayed is bad and it says" the employers do not care about worker’s needs".
