Friday 6 April 2012


Recently it has emerged that that the union that is against the Gauteng E-tolling secretly benefited from the construction of the high way road e-tolling. South Africans were shocked to discover  astonishing news from Sunday Times. cosatu-benefits-from-gauteng-toll-report.

Kopano Kematla Investment was established in 1996 by Kopano Ke Matle Trust whose sole beneficiary is Congress of South African Trade Union COSATU.
Kopano kematla holds 3% of Ruabex, so it would have received R 24 millions .This would mean that COSATU which had been vehemently against the toll road, stood to benefit from them. It's suprising to hear that COSATU's General Secretary Mr Zwelinzima Vavi saying that they were not aware of Kopano Kematla's involvement in E-tolling. The question that arise is that as a MAJOR BENEFICIARY of the big investment company who is also trusted by the people  how can you be not aware of major activities that are being practiced day to day.
Without any doubt COSATU has created lot of confusions and doubtfulness amongst its members whether they should carry on trusting COSATU or not.
The task that the Congress of South African Trade Union (COSATU) must do now is to implement strategies that will erase confusions and uncertainty within its members so that their image can be respected like before.These are the ways that can assist COSATU in winning back the trust of their members
1 COSATU must conduct an internal investigation regarding the involvement Kopano Kematla in E-tolling.

2 After the investigation they must inform the public about the results and actions that will be taken against those who are found guilty.

3 Lastly COSATU must clarify about their current position regarding E-Tolling, are they still opposing it or not.


Lucky Buthelezi


  1. eish you know lucky COSATU really disappointed me now i even wonder if they still going to opposse this "e *tolling'

  2. Well anonymous COSATU will have to tell us now if they still continue with opposing E-Toll because i believe most of us(South Africans) wants to know their position with E-tolling
