Thursday 3 May 2012


From left: MD of Provantage Media Mr Jacquese du Preeze and  Group Chief Commercial of ACSA  Mr Harron Jeena.
Any organisation has a goal of having a long continuous positive and lasting relationship with respective stakeholders that will contribute in its success which involves maintaining current and acquiring  new clients/stakeholders. I really want to  applaud what is done by a young vibrant growing organisation called Provantage Media. Provantage Media  extended its wings by  partnering with  Airport Company of South Africa (ACSA) in rolling out a fully fledged  digital Televison network in nine airport across South Africa following international trends in the out of home advertising industry, hence the technology keeps on developing which  requruires organisation to adjust to such changes.
Provantage Media is the fastest growing out of media business in South Africa .Out Of Home (OOH) focused on marketing to consumers when they are in public places, transit,waiting and on specific commercial location.The partnership  between Provantage Media and ACSA through Airport T.V will provide advertisers with access to reach audiences, which in todays fragmented media is becoming very sought after (much in demand).According to Jacquse du Preeze MD of Provantage Media each commercial will run for 10 to 30 seconds and variety of advertising packages will ensure that brands will reach maximum reach.

According to my view this partnership will also boost the two's financial status hence I believe that  famous brands will be so keen to advertise their brands to departures and foreign visitors in all nine South African airports, this means that the more they advertise the more ACSA and Provantage Media get money.I hope this partnership will encourage other young growing PR and Communication firms to establish new relationships with major organisations in order to improve their portfolio and nourishing relationships with their clients.




  1. This partnership will create jobs and awareness for the young upcoming PRP'S because ACSA is a huge company. Such should be done more; it is a sign of growth within the small sectors.

  2. Relationships are important to all organisations and in this case a great thing for creating more jobs for the people.

  3. Building relationships is an important tool in business so I think this partnership will contribute positively to the future generation of PR.

  4. More of such patnerships need to be done in order to enhance our economy and create employment to society.

  5. Lucky i was wondering, please enlighten me on the difference between a sponsorship and a partnership. Are they the same or is the a difference. this is a good blog
