Friday 27 April 2012

A PRP got suspended for posting on her personal Twitter page

What a disgrace done by the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU), Spokesperson who was suspended for a post on a union's Facebook and Tweets to COSATU's General Secretary Mr Zwelinzima Vavi.On Saturday, Rea Molopyane the SATAWU Spokesperson  using her personal  Twitter account, tweeted to Vavi who addressed the meeting: "Please don't leave before we discuss Passenger Rail Agency of SA (PRASA) issues of the union.Satawu will sink as you see it".
In thew Facebook post that led to her suspension Molapyane wrote that the suspension of the Union's Gauteng Provincial Secretary Chris Nkosi had been lifted with immediate effect.She also posted that the issues of the rumoured plan to remove SATAWU president Ephraim Mphahlele were not discussed at the CEC meeting nor was the submission made by Gauteng to charge Maziya.Apparently Mphahlele recently made headlines when he publicly released a dossier alleging corruption at Prasa by its boss, Lucky Montana.

Her Tweet angered SATAWU's bosses, who then decided to suspend her. In my view this is a disgrace particularly in PR and  Communication field, now its like we as PRP's are not taught not to talk/ reveal our organisation's controversial and confidential issues.I hope these will be a lesson to other up coming PRP's not to use their personal  Social Media Platforms to discuss confidential issues regarding their organisations, let  us utilise social media platforms in a way that will generate  good positive result for our organisations.


Lucky Buthelezi

Thursday 19 April 2012


ADT's Logo

Safety is the need that is required mostly by the anyone world wide,where-ever you are and there is a presence of the safety and security officials be it  the SAPS or Private Security companies, with no doubt you will feel relaxed, comfortable and stress less about any crime activity that might occur around you during that moment.After the article that was reported by the Star newspaper regarding armed men wearing ADT's security guards uniforms and using ADT's  branded vehicle who broke in a diamond company call AA Diamonds in Berdfordview and stole R23 million worth of precious stones.

 The Star article brought ADT under a bad publicity, not only ADT including other private security companies were also affected by these publicity because now it's difficult to  trust any ADT or private armed security vehicle that passes by your house because you may ask yourself whether are they still doing their patrolling duty or they are planning to rob/break into your house.According to the Star newspaper other jewellery stores have come out citing similar attacks.
Two robbers the second of the three doors to the diamond store.

Indeed according to my view it's going to be hard for the ADT to get back their client's trust particularly those who are dealing with gold and diamonds trading.Once the organisation experience bad publicity, the public start to think twice about that organisation and the final outcome will not be fruit full for that organisation unless they act immediate in fixing/ correcting the mess that has already been made.
ADT must now really work hard to achieve one of the 7C's of communication which is Credibility within their prominent clients and remind its employees the company's goals, values and  missions.



Friday 13 April 2012


It's quiet fascinating to  hear that Social Media users are utilizing them in a good way instead of what is done by most of celebrities the likes of  Nonhle Thema (the former Channel O presenter) and Kim Kardishian (American Socialite and TV Personality) who are using Twitter to bad-mouth other celebrities.Twitter saved a Joburg man who was trapped in his car boot after being hijacked over the weekend

The man was driving through Honeydew at about 9pm on Saturday when two armed men hijacked his Golf 3. They forced him into the into the boot of the car and sped off.But Hijackers forgot one thing his cellphone inside the boot.The man sent an sms to his girlfriend alerting her that he has been hijacked he needs help.Then  minutes later Tanisha Reddy a friend of his girlfriend sent the message to the cyber police basher and the famous road block exposer PigSpotter, the message was tweeted as follows "Please RT @PigSpotter my friend was just hijacked and is in the boot of his car, Honeydew area reg no thDSS041GP Golf 3 maroon in colour."
The cry for help was re tweeted again and again by PigSpotter's more than 109 000 followers - including members of the private security industry. They immediately began rallying their resources. At around 11:08 the man was found in his car in Ventersburg 250 km South of Honeydew.

These outcome clearly shows that the POWER OF SOCIAL NETWORK can do more besides just chatting and advertising business. Lets keep on using Social Media to help people instead of swearing them.



Friday 6 April 2012


Recently it has emerged that that the union that is against the Gauteng E-tolling secretly benefited from the construction of the high way road e-tolling. South Africans were shocked to discover  astonishing news from Sunday Times. cosatu-benefits-from-gauteng-toll-report.

Kopano Kematla Investment was established in 1996 by Kopano Ke Matle Trust whose sole beneficiary is Congress of South African Trade Union COSATU.
Kopano kematla holds 3% of Ruabex, so it would have received R 24 millions .This would mean that COSATU which had been vehemently against the toll road, stood to benefit from them. It's suprising to hear that COSATU's General Secretary Mr Zwelinzima Vavi saying that they were not aware of Kopano Kematla's involvement in E-tolling. The question that arise is that as a MAJOR BENEFICIARY of the big investment company who is also trusted by the people  how can you be not aware of major activities that are being practiced day to day.
Without any doubt COSATU has created lot of confusions and doubtfulness amongst its members whether they should carry on trusting COSATU or not.
The task that the Congress of South African Trade Union (COSATU) must do now is to implement strategies that will erase confusions and uncertainty within its members so that their image can be respected like before.These are the ways that can assist COSATU in winning back the trust of their members
1 COSATU must conduct an internal investigation regarding the involvement Kopano Kematla in E-tolling.

2 After the investigation they must inform the public about the results and actions that will be taken against those who are found guilty.

3 Lastly COSATU must clarify about their current position regarding E-Tolling, are they still opposing it or not.


Lucky Buthelezi